Michel Serres Institute ’s First Annual Report

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“L’effet de Serres” Year 1 – getting the network started

The Institute is a Laboratory Without Walls and think-tank.
Its basic task consists in acting as a facilitator and bridging agent between dedicated institutions, programs, centres, but also between disciplines and across science and society.

To these ends, the Institute benefits from the continuous commitment of Michel Serres, his Honorary Fellow, President d’Honneur.

The first year has been devoted to

  • confirm existing and search additional partners in order to ensure a balanced expertise on resources at regional, national, and international levels and
  • diffuse the Institute ideas through conferences, workshops and student activities.
    The document illustrates the work performed essentially by the Lyon component of the Institute, expecting to generate an initial “matrix” making it possible to coordinate and nucleate future work within the network.

Read more of the annual report on the pdf document :

Article publié ou modifié le

11 décembre 2013