Law - who are the members, what are the missions and the activities of the Institute : Program coordination : François Collart Dutilleul, Université de (…)
Natural and Earth Sciences - Who are the members, what are the missions and the activities of the Institute : Program coordination : Ioan Negrutiu, Lyon (…)
Local and Society - Who are the members, what are the missions and the activities of the Institute : Program coordination : Cécile Delorme, Envirhonalp (…)
Socio-economy - Who are the members, what are the missions and the activities of the Institute Program coordination : Jean-Michel Salles, Montpellier ; (…)
Philosophy and dialogue - Who are the members, what are the missions and the activities of the Institute “Chaire industrielle de l’eau : rationalités, (…)
Reframing the conceptual and operational field of natural resources requires deep interdisciplinarity across fields encompassing legal and socio-economic (…)
The missing link - a natural resource-systems approach. The anthropocene, the age of man, is defined here as the new, man-made natural resources equation (…)